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Which suits you best - composting or worm farming? All Quizzes


Compost bins accelerate nature's nutrient reycling using heat created within above ground chambers or rotating tumblers.

  • Processes lots of food scraps plus garden waste.
  • Place above ground units on open soil. Tumblers go anywhere including balconies.
  • Low maintenance.

Produces rich compost for your garden (Tumblers produce liquid fertiliser also).

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Hungry worms break down food scraps into solid and liquid nutrients in compact multi-tray and larger single tray farms. 

  • Processes medium amounts of food scraps, primarily fruit and vegetables.
  • Suitable for indoor as well as outdoor placement.
  • A bit more maintenance.

Produces rich harvestable worm castings as well as lots of liquid fertiliser for your garden.

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