使用以折扣价出售的堆肥箱、蠕虫农场和自制厨余堆肥箱将垃圾减半,可享建议零售价 65% 的折扣,由当地议会直接送货上门。-
$29 .95保存 $80 .05 $110.00 建议零售价格“农场”蠕虫农场
农场是我们新的入门级蠕虫农场,经过全新设计而成。改善蠕虫健康和生产力的新功能包括:易于清洗的集成式蠕虫保护盘、无龙头的蠕虫液体采集系统和支腿(可选),可在炎热季节和气候条件下增加气流。适合带有花园或阳台的小型家庭,或需要液体肥料的堆肥器。每周最多可处理 2 升食物残渣。
尺寸:38 厘米(长),38 厘米(宽),29 厘米(高+腿)
澳大利亚制造 -
$279保存 $120 .00 $399.00 建议零售价格Hungry Bin 蠕虫农场
Hungry Bin 是容量最大、维护成本最低的蠕虫农场,非常适合大家庭或希望省事的家庭。充分利用起来以后,每天可回收多达 2 升的食物残渣,可以连续收集液体肥料和蠕虫粪便。
Hungry Bin 采用食品级塑料制成,设计精巧,在任何条件下都经久耐用。我们认为, 它被称为“世界上最好的蠕虫农场”完全当之无愧。
尺寸:65 厘米(长) x 60 厘米(宽) x 95 厘米(高)。
新西兰制造。 -
$16 .90保存 $83 .05 $99.95 建议零售价格Dirt Vader 堆肥箱
使用这款容量为 220 升的地面堆肥箱,可以将家中的任何食物残渣转化成肥料。使用 100% 再生塑料制造而成,另外含有抗紫外线添加剂,可长久承受强烈的光照。这款堆肥箱易于手动组装,带有 12 个镀锌螺栓,可固定在坚硬的墙壁上,以增加稳定性。购买这款结实的澳大利亚耐用产品以后,您可能就不需要再购买任何堆肥箱了。
100% 抗紫外线再生塑料。
尺寸:70 厘米(长), 70 厘米(宽), 75 厘米(高)。
澳大利亚制造。 -
$54 .90保存 $124 .10 $179.00 建议零售价格Eco Roto 堆肥设备
Eco Roto 容量为 160 升,是经济实惠而又简洁的滚筒式堆肥设备,采用双隔间设计,其中 1 个隔间发酵期间,可以向另外那个隔间添加新的堆肥。Eco Roto 采用牢固的多面板桶身,配有 50 个镀锌螺栓和坚固的金属框架,功能强大而可靠。 借助于桶身的手柄可以转动堆肥箱,但当两个隔间都装满食物残渣时,转动它们仍然有点费力。
尺寸:66 厘米(长) x 73 厘米(长) x 93 厘米(高)。
中国制造。 -
$174 .90保存 $94 .10 $269.00 建议零售价格Eco Tumbler 堆肥设备
Eco Tumbler 容量为 245 升,可将食物和花园垃圾更快地转化为营养丰富的堆肥,因为它有两个大型隔间,其中 1 个隔间发酵期间,可以向另外那个隔间添加新的堆肥。手柄易于操作,可以定期轻松通风,而滑动门则可以快速装载和收集堆肥。
Eco Tumbler 是第二代模型,经过墨尔本领先的工业设计公司重新设计而成,具有更结实的抗紫外线塑料桶身、新的升级版手柄、镀锌框架、以及防止倒转的棘齿和齿轮罩,安全性更高。
尺寸:105 厘米(宽) x 71 厘米(深) x 113 厘米(高)。
台湾制造(澳大利亚设计)。 -
$154 .50保存 $144 .50 $299.00 建议零售价格Green Cone 太阳能堆肥设备
这款堆肥设备基本上无需维护,可以回收任何食物残渣(包括肉类、鱼类、骨头、水果、乳制品)以及宠物粪便,将它们转化成土壤肥料。 利用地下隔间和新颖的双锥性系统在两个锥体之间流通暖空气,从而为蠕虫和微生物营造完美的环境,以便快速发挥作用。
只需将篮子埋入阳光充足的草地或土壤中,埋入地下约 40 公分,倒入有机废物,然后交给 Green Cone(和大自然!)处理即可。
尺寸:110 厘米(地上 70 厘米), 28-38 厘米(直径)。
加拿大制造。 -
$459保存 $40 .00 $499.00 建议零售价格Aerobin 400 Litre Compost Bin
This low maintenance composter recycles a variety of organic materials such as food scraps (including onion and citrus), tea leaves, lawn clippings, leaves, twigs and even newspaper. Thermal insulation stabilizes temperature all year round to create the perfect environment for hot composting, a process which reduces the time needed to break down organic matter and also kills dangerous pathogens, weeds and seeds that could could potentially be a risk to your garden.
Made from virgin plastic
Size: 120cm (h) , 74 cm(w), 74 cm(l)
Designed in Australia. Made in India. -
$14 .90保存 $74 .10 $89.00 建议零售价格Maze Bokashi Bin
The 14 litre Maze Bokashi Bin is a stylish, small footprint bin which blends well in any modern, darker toned kitchen. It ferments all types of food waste, including meat, dairy and bread. It holds 2-3 weeks of scraps for the average household, which then ferments for a week more before being buried in your garden.
100% recycled plastic.
Size: 31cm (w) x 30cm (l) x 29cm (h)
Designed in Australia. Made in China. -
$23 .90保存 $86 .10 $110.00 建议零售价格Twin Maze Bokashi Bin
The 14 litre Maze Bokashi Bin is a stylish, small footprint bin which blends well in any modern, darker toned kitchen. It ferments all types of food waste, including meat, dairy and bread, and one bin holds 2-3 weeks of scraps for the average household. Once full, let your first bin ferment for another few weeks, during which you will begin to fill the second bin, before burying it in your garden. Continue to rotate your bins for a zero waste solution.
100% recycled plastic.
Size: 31cm (w) x 30cm (l) x 29cm (h)
Designed in Australia. Made in China. -
$14 .90保存 $7 .10 $22.00 建议零售价格'Slim' 厨用箱
Slim 厨用箱容量为 9 升,可以比常用箱子存储更多残渣,因此无需每天前往堆肥箱或蠕虫农场。设计灵巧,便于您将碟子和砧板上的食物残渣直接倒入箱子中。
尺寸:41 厘米(长) x 14 厘米(宽) x 27 厘米(高)。
中国制造。 -
$29 .90保存 $10 .05 $39.95 建议零售价格'City' 厨用箱
'City' 厨用箱的容量为 8 升,可以比常用箱子存储更多残渣,因此无需每天前往堆肥箱或蠕虫农场。在澳大利亚采用再生塑料设计和制造而成,石灰绿色气密盖子风格时尚,可以防止果蝇飞入,厨娘也会感到满意。
100% 再生塑料。
尺寸:23 厘米(宽) x 27 厘米(高)。
澳大利亚制造。 -
$31 .95保存 $13 .00 $44.95 建议零售价格'Revolver' Compost Aerator
Aeration is a critical part of the composting process and needs to be done regularly so you want it to be as easy as possible. The Revolver Series 2 sports a new, more ergonomic, rotating handle upcycled from plant pots, collected from local nurseries – and a galvanised zinc plated steel shaft for a long life. With 15 percent less steel, 96% recycled plastic and an easier screw motion than other aerators it goes easy on the planet and your wrists.
Zinc coated steel shaft.
96% locally sourced recycled plastic handle.
Size: 90 cm (h) x 12cm (w).
Made in Australia. -
$38 .45保存 $11 .55 $50.00 建议零售价格1000 条活蠕虫
召来千军万马!凭借 1,000 条饥饿的蠕虫来启动您的蠕虫农场。 这些蠕虫在维多利亚州出生和繁殖,渴望革命(和食物!)。
在澳大利亚饲养。 -
$6 .90
我们凭借与墨尔本咖啡烘焙商的合作关系,改造发明了这款粗麻布袋,可用 1 年,从而免于将它抛弃到垃圾填埋场中。这款产品有助于让堆肥保持湿润、温暖,并能阻止讨厌的昆虫。此外,随着毯子不断分解,它为蠕虫提供了备受欢迎的碳素点心。
100% 再生粗麻布(残留有少许咖啡)。
在各个国家制造,在澳大利亚回收利用。 -
$6 .90
100% 再生粗麻布(残留有少许咖啡)。
在各个国家制造,在澳大利亚回收利用。 -
$29 .90保存 $10 .05 $39.95 建议零售价格Wooden Farm Legs
These stylish turned wooden legs add a classy touch to your Farm while providing extra air flow easier access when feeding your worms. Turned from a single piece of Tasmanian Oak, these legs feature a rounded foot and natural blonde texture.
FSC Certified Tasmanian Oak
Made in Australia. -
$14 .90保存 $5 .05 $19.95 建议零售价格Plastic Farm Legs
These sturdy plastic legs are a cost effective way to add extra air flow and easier access when feeding your worms. Sourced from 100% locally sourced recycled plastic materials, they are easy on your wallet and the planet.
Made in Australia.
$9 .90保存 $5 .05 $14.95 建议零售价格Auto-Flow Tube
The continuous flow tube allows you to tap your liquid fertiliser automatically into a larger container without the need to empty trays or bottles.
1 metre of Clear PVC tubing
Includes Plastic elbow -
Organic Unisex Tees
Ethically sourced t-shirts for worm farmers and garden lovers alike. The 100% Fair Wear organic cotton and water based screen print make their own statement of uncompromising ethics and commitment to the planet.
您也有资格享受澳大利亚各地提供的 up to 40% off RRP(无议会补贴)。
$329保存 $5 .00 $334.00 建议零售价格SubPod Worm Farm
The SubPod a high capacity, low-maintenance worm farm, well-suited to larger households or those wanting to nurture the soil around the farm. It recycles up to 2 litres of food scraps per day at full capacity, with castings harvestable from dual chambers and makes a practical and comfy seat option for your veggie garden.
Food grade polypropylene (100% reyclable)
Size: 75cm (l), 45cm (w), 43cm (h).
Designed in Australia. Made in China. -
$169保存 $30 .00 $199.00 建议零售价格Eco Tumbler 180
The Eco Tumbler 180 transforms food and garden waste into nutrient rich compost faster thanks to its dual compartments which allow you to add new compost while the first chamber is curing. A highly geared easy-crank handle makes regular aeration effortless no matter how strong you are, while the larger sliding doors mean it is easier to load and harvest compost.
UV stabilised plastic with zinc coated metal frame.
Size: 91cm (w) x 64cm (l) x 109cm (h)
Designed in Australia. Made in Taiwan. -
$299保存 $50 .00 $349.00 建议零售价格Aerobin 200 Litre Compost Bin
This low maintenance composter recycles a variety of organic materials such as food scraps (including onion and citrus), tea leaves, lawn clippings, leaves, twigs and even newspaper. Thermal insulation stabilizes temperature all year round to create the perfect environment for hot composting, a process which reduces the time needed to break down organic matter and also kills dangerous pathogens, weeds and seeds that could could potentially be a risk to your garden.
Made from virgin plastic
Size: 118cm (h) , 51 cm(w), 51 cm(l)
Designed in Australia. Made in India. -
$69 .90保存 $6 .00 $75.90 建议零售价格EnsoPet 粪便堆肥设备
使用 EnsoPet 宠物粪便堆肥设备,您可以减少猫狗爪印。这款小巧的地下堆肥系统利用地下的蠕虫和微生物,干净卫生地回收利用宠物粪便,为土壤提供丰富的养分。 您只需要在草地或土壤中留出小小的户外空间,然后将其他事情交给蠕虫和微生物即可。这样,宠物粪便就不用填埋到垃圾场中,也不会弄脏您的鞋子!
100% 再生塑料。
尺寸: 40 厘米(高), 19-35 厘米(()。
中国制造。 -
$64 .90保存 $10 .10 $75.00 建议零售价格Urban Composter 自制厨余堆肥箱
Urban Composter 容量为 15 升,这款自制厨余堆肥箱风格时尚,并符合人体工程学设计,可以将各类食物残渣发酵,包括肉类、乳制品和面包。它可以容纳普通家庭 2-4 周的食物残渣,然后发酵 1 周以后,即可掩埋在花园中。发酵以后的食物分解速度比未处理的食物快几倍,因此,它非常适合轻松地将食物残渣转化成宝贵的花园肥料。
100% 再生塑料箱身(盖子可回收)。
尺寸:29 厘米(长) x 29 厘米(宽) x 40 厘米(高)。
澳大利亚制造。 -
$119保存 $10 .00 $129.00 建议零售价格Twin Urban Composter Bokashi
The 15 litre Urban Composter is a stylish and ergonomic bokashi bin that ferments all types of food waste, including meat, dairy, and bread. It holds 2-4 weeks of scraps for the average household. Once full, let your first bin ferment for another few weeks, during which you will begin to fill the second bin, before burying it in your garden. Continue to rotate your bins for a zero waste solution.
100% recycled plastic body (lid recyclable).
Size: 29cm (l) x 29cm (w) x 40cm (h).
Made in Australia. -
$79 .90保存 $9 .10 $89.00 建议零售价格堆肥推车
这款堆肥推车容量为 55 升,非常结实,可以轻松地在花园中收集和运输堆肥或土壤。非常适合那些既图轻松又乐意在花园中劳作的人士。
尺寸:65.5 厘米(宽) x 58 厘米(深) x 89 厘米(长)。
澳大利亚设计。中国制造。 -
$149保存 $50 .00 $199.00 建议零售价格Urban Bloomer Wicking Bed
This 48lt raised bed suits balconies and small spaces and has been specifically designed to withstand the rigors of Australia's tough weather. It includes a smart watering system (to keep soil at optimum moisture concentrations), a bottom shelf for the convenient storage of your gardening supplies and a bonus detachable sprouting tray for the neat propagation and cultivation of your seeds and seedlings.
Material: Plastic/Polypropylene/ Resin
Size: 82cm (w), 38cm (d), 78cm (h).
Capacity : 48 L
Made in Israel. -
Foodcube 'Slim' Wicking Bed
An all-in-one system with a mid-sized built-in water reservoir, the Foodcube Slim is an efficient and customisable solution for growing your own fresh produce. It is simple to install, an ideal wicking bed for growing food on balconies, along walls, in small courtyards and in streetscapes where space is limited.
Food grade plastic (80% recycled)
Size: 115cm (l), 67cm (w), 50cm (h).
Made in Australia. -
Foodcube Wicking Bed
An all-in-one system with a large built-in water reservoir, the Foodcube is an efficient and customisable solution for growing your own fresh produce. It is simple to install and additional Foodcubes can be connected with ease, making them suitable for small and large-scale gardens.
Food grade plastic (80% recycled)
Size: 115cm (l), 1150cm (w), 50cm (h).
Made in Australia. -
$139保存 $60 .00 $199.00 建议零售价格Monty Compost Monitor
Monty for Composters is an Australian-made smart monitor for your compost bin. Monty Monitor uses temperature, gas and moisture sensors to deliver readings every 15 minutes so you can know what's happening in your compost 24/7.
Wireless charger included.
Download the Monty Mobile app on Android or iOS.
Made in Australia. -
$84 .90保存 $11 .10 $96.00 建议零售价格2000 条活蠕虫
凭借 2,000 条蠕虫组成的兵团,以两倍的速度来兴起革命,这款蠕虫包意味着您可以更快地转化更多食物,并且不太可能遇到过度喂食蠕虫的问题。
在澳大利亚饲养。 -
$19 .90保存 $10 .05 $29.95 建议零售价格2 升的大号瓶装酶
用于自制厨余堆肥箱的液态酶,由全天然的有益微生物和柑橘提取物制做而成,可启动并加快自制厨余堆肥箱中有机废物的发酵过程。它也能有效地消除发酵过程中的潜在异味。每个瓶子容量为 2 升,平均可使用 6-8 个月,是环保型的喷雾瓶。
$14 .90保存 $3 .10 $18.00 建议零售价格1 升的酶喷剂
用于自制厨余堆肥箱的液态酶,由全天然的有益微生物和柑橘提取物制做而成,可启动并加快自制厨余堆肥箱中有机废物的发酵过程。它也能有效地消除发酵过程中的潜在异味。每个瓶子容量为 1 升,平均可使用 3-4 个月。
$19 .90
我们凭借与墨尔本咖啡烘焙商的合作关系,改造发明了这款三条装的粗麻布袋,可用 1 年,从而免于将它抛弃到垃圾填埋场中。这款产品有助于让蠕虫保持湿润、凉爽,并能覆盖住它们的身体,阻止讨厌的昆虫。此外,随着毯子不断分解,它为蠕虫提供了备受欢迎的碳素点心。
100% 再生粗麻布(残留有少许咖啡)。
在各个国家制造,在澳大利亚回收利用。 -
$19 .90
我们凭借与墨尔本咖啡烘焙商的合作关系,改造发明了这款三条装的粗麻布袋,可用 1 年,从而免于将它抛弃到垃圾填埋场中。这款产品有助于让堆肥保持湿润、温暖,并能阻止讨厌的昆虫。此外,随着毯子不断分解,它为蠕虫提供了备受欢迎的碳素点心。
100% 再生粗麻布(残留有少许咖啡)。
在各个国家制造,在澳大利亚回收利用。 -
$4 .90保存 $3 .05 $7.95 建议零售价格Scrap Smasher
Scrap Smasher 是为自制厨余堆肥箱设计的便利工具,便于您在添加食物时压缩它们。从废料中除去大部分空气以后,可以更有效地进行厌氧发酵。
$19 .90保存 $9 .10 $29.00 建议零售价格Extra Working Tray
Add an extra tray to your farm and start adding food scraps to your second tray after just a few months, doubling the capacity of your Farm!
100% locally sourced recycled plastic.
Size: 38cm (l), 38cm (w), 11.5cm (h)
Made in Australia. -
$69 .90保存 $34 .10 $104.00 建议零售价格Tumbler Performance Pack
Upgrade your Eco Tumbler 245 experience with longer lasting stainless steel bolts and fasteners and our Easy Turn gearing module (gear bolts not stainless steel). Get the fastest, most nutrient rich compost by turning your compost even when you have two full chambers. Great for people with less strength or for the composter with a lot to do in the garden. Never worry about bolts rusting out with stainless steel replacement parts.
$47 .90保存 $0 .10 $48.00 建议零售价格NISAKU Hori Hori Knife
The genius progeny of a trowel, knife and saw, the Hori Hori (rough literal translation: dig-dig) is one of the most versatile and useful gardening tools you'll ever use. Saw through tough roots and plant fibres or dig, measure and plant. Its curved blade acts as a small trowel for delicate soil work and more.
Overall: 32cm (l)
Blade: 18.5cm (l) 4 cm (w)
Made in Japan -
$49 .90保存 $2 .10 $52.00 建议零售价格NISAKU Mini Hori Hori Knife
What happens when you take an amazing tool, and distil it down? You get the world's most useful garden tool, and zero excuses not to have it with you at all times. It keeps the same concave blade for digging, sharp edge for slicing and the serrated opposite edge for cutting, but loses 70mm off it's overall length (50mm off the blade, 20mm from the handle).
Overall: 25cm (l)
Blade: 13cm (l) 4 cm (w)
Made in Japan -
$69 .90
1,000 Live Worm Voucher + Free Shipping
Call in the cavalry! Start with 1,000 hungry worms to kick off your worm farm. Born and bred in Victoria, our worms are hungry for a revolution (and food!).
Mix of Red Wriggler and Tigers.
Raised in Australia. -
$49$49.00 建议零售价格Foodcube 'Slim' Legs
These sturdy plastic legs raise your Foodcube Slim 20 cm higher off the ground to allow for a more ergonomic food growing experience.
Sold in a set of 5.
Made in Australia. -
$39 .90保存 $10 .09 $49.99 建议零售价格'Ensorator' Aerator
Oxygen is essential for successful composting, regular aeration provides the microorganisms with the oxygen they need to transform waste into nutrient rich compost. Using the EnsoRator, aerator in the EnsoPet composter will significantly expedite the composting process, leading to increased capacity in the EnsoPet, thus prolonging the time it takes to fill or making it less likely to fill.
100 % Stainless Steel.
Size: 88 cm (L) – 45 mm (L) shortened
Made in China. -
$38 .90保存 $0 .09 $38.99 建议零售价格Barebones Gardening Gloves
Make quick, painless work of prickly plants, rough soil, and dry bark, and grasp wooden tool handles with ease. Barebones re-creation of the classic work glove means maximum comfort, outdoor versatility, and quality protection. The keystone thumb stitch improves dexterity while shirred elastic back keeps gloves in place. Premium grain cowhide is soft, warm, and breathable.
Large: 226 cm (l) X 12 cm (w)
Medium: 23 cm (l) X 9.5 cm (w)
Handmade in Pakistan (by cottage industry home workers). -
$99保存 $10 .99 $109.99 建议零售价格Japanese Nata Tool
Clear brush, strip bark, plank wood, make kindling–all with one thoughtfully-crafted tool. Inspired by a traditional Japanese implement and constructed with heritage-quality materials, the Barebones Japanese Nata Tool unites versatile function and refined durability. The stainless steel blade and a solid steel core that extends through the length of the hardwood handle lend stability and greater swinging weight yet it still packs thin and light, making it an essential addition to any collection.
Overall: 49 cm (l)
Blade: 30cm (l)
Made in China -
$139保存 $10 .99 $149.99 建议零售价格Foldable Shovel
Lightweight, collapsible, and just plain tough. Break up bulky weeds, dig trenches for irrigation, or cover up campfire coals with the newly updated Barebones Folding Shovel. The Manganese steel 3-position head stays sharp and accurate through hard and soft soil and allows for multiple working positions. Durable beechwood handle fits comfortably in hand and will last through years of use. Designed with an easy twist lock to collapse the head for more compact storage.
Shovel extended: 97.16cm x 20cm x 5.72cm
Shovel storage position: 76.84cm x 20cm x 5.72cm
Weight 1.6 Kg
Made in China -
$169保存 $5 .99 $174.99 建议零售价格Felling Axe
Inspired by iconic 19th-century forestry felling axes and built to deliver that perfect powerful swing. Lightweight 1055 carbon steel head and hand-sharpened 3.75” blade come together for smooth cutting precision. Designed to be super versatile, this premium axe by Barebones does it all: clear limbs and brush, fell trees, drive a wedge, and process firewood. Durable 23.5" curved hickory handle is well-balanced, smooth, and comfortable in hand. Easily carry this axe from the backyard to the backcountry.
Made in China
$2 .20
Use it Up Tape
Use it Up tape can be used to mark a shelf in your fridge, pantry or freezer, or on containers of food that needs using up. It’s a visual reminder for the whole household - once you can see it, you can use it up!
The tape is made from paper (FSC Certified). It’s reusable and recyclable. Just stick it to a piece of paper in your recycling bin.
$44 .90保存 $15 .00 $59.90 建议零售价格'Ensorator' Extended Aerator
Oxygen is essential for successful composting, regular aeration provides the microorganisms with the oxygen they need to transform waste into nutrient rich compost. This aerator features an additional section length to allow easier access to your Green Cone wihout needing to stick your arm into the cone itself.
100 % Stainless Steel.
Size: 108 cm (L)
Made in China. -
Cube Kitchen Caddies
The 4L Cube caddy is a stylish and handy collector of kitchen scraps, small enough to sit on the kitchen bench.
Gift Vouchers
Compost Revolution gift vouchers to use on any of our products. Choose from $25, $50 or $100.
Greenhouses are the ultimate gardener's tool, providing your plants, fruit and vegetables with the optimum conditions in which to grow all year round. Our premium quality Maze Hybrid greenhouses feature polycarbonate walls and roof glazing to protect against over exposure to the sun’s rays during summer's peak. Pests are kept out, while warmth and humidity are kept in during the colder months.
Mushroom Farms
Become a professional mushroom farmer with these re-usable mushroom buckets (refills sold seperately). Includes a video course to turn you into a real mushroom growing expert!
Mushroom Grow Kits
Dip your toes in the world of mushrooms with these easy grow your own Little Acre Mushroom Kits.