Scraps for Schools - Nominate your school to receive donations when you compost at home!

Grab a home compost bin or worm farm at 50% off retail + FREE delivery to turn your food scraps into soil and fertiliser and we'll donate $10 to your school's gardening program. It's that simple!

Gardening and sustainability programs are popping almost everyday at schools across Australia. Some are even part of the curriculum! What better way to educate students on the fun, beauty, and responsibility of the cycle of life than by teaching them how to recycle food scraps into soil and fertiliser thorugh composting and worm farming - and then doing the same at home?

This is where Scraps for Schools comes in. As kids get skilled up at school, why not bring their skills to life to make a difference at home? Simply grab a compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin from Fairfield City council at up to 50% off retail and free delivery to start a tradition at home that will pass down through the generations. 

Here's how it works

 1. Nominate your school. (Be sure to chat with the principal or a gardening champion at your school to get their ok.)

2. Email us at [email protected] to get a custom coupon code to track donations.

3. Download the flyer below and write in the coupon code. (Contact us if you need help typing the coupon code onto the flyer.)

4. Spread the word around your school! Get the flyer into the school newsletter, send flyers home with students, post it up in classrooms and hallways, and contact your local newspaper. Most councils are happy to provide schools with printed flyers.

5. There's no limit to donations. Your school gets $10 for every bin or farm purchased with the coupon code. If you purchase 2, your school gets $20!

Talk to your school, get in touch with us, and get started today!
