Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this website for?

Residents of Inner West Council who want to recycle their food scraps, make soil and fertiliser at home and do their bit for the environment.

What is the tutorial about?

We have tutorials for worm farms, compost and bokashi bins.  The tutorials will teach you the practical skills of how to set up your bin or worm farm and keep it running smoothly. 

How do I get my compost bin or worm farm?

  1. You must be a resident of Inner West council to be eligible.
  2. Do one of the tutorials and complete the quiz.
  3. Once you have passed the quiz, you can register.
  4. Choose from the discounted compost bin and worm farm products available through your council.
  5. Confirm your order and pay using a credit card on our secure web form.

* Please note that each household is only eligible for one compost bin or worm farm each.

What if I fail the quiz?

You can attempt the quiz as many times as you need in order to get all of the answers correct.  If you get stuck we recommend you return to the tutorial to find the answers.

Is anything else required of me if I “Join the Compost Revolution”?

We encourage you to tick the box to “Join the Compost Revolution” when you register to receive your product.

You will not be committed to any other programs or organisations, but you will be able to get more support and may get special offers or invitations to events and workshops related to composting, gardening, cooking and food sustainability. The Compost Revolution is about building community and supporting neighbourhood garden projects, so you may also be invited to social events and get-togethers. We’ll also send you an annual survey to help us to improve the program.

Can more than one person in my household do the tutorial?

Anyone in your household can do the tutorial and quiz multiple times. However, your household address is only eligible to receive one discounted product through Inner West Council’s Compost Revolution program.

Can I have both a worm farm and a compost bin for my household?

Yes. Keeping a compost bin and worm farm can work well. However, each household is only eligible for one discounted Compost Revolution product through this program. If you want a second product, you can purchase a compost bin or worm farm at full price from our Australia-wide site or at most garden stores.

What if I live in an apartment with no balcony or garden space?

You can keep a worm farm on your balcony, in your garage, bathroom or kitchen. You can give the fertiliser and worm castings you produce to a neighbour, friend or a nearby community garden.

Alternatively, you can organise a compost bin or worm farm for your building’s common area. Discuss this with your neighbours then speak to your body corporate or strata manager to attain approval. You can then purchase your compost bin or worm farm for your block through this web site.

Can I join The Compost Revolution if I don't need a new compost bin or worm farm?

Yes, contact your local council and ask to be added to their Compost Revolution mailing list. 

What if I already know how to compost or worm farm?

If you already know how to compost or worm farm, you don't need to do the tutorial (though you might learn a few things and they’re lots of fun so we recommend it!).  You will still need to do the quiz to qualify for a discounted compost bin or worm farm. 

Can I attend a workshop to find out more?

Visit the Treading Lightly eco living program on Council's website for details. You can attend any of the workshops at any Council listed in the Treading Lightly calender.

What else can I do?

Visit the Love Food, Hate Waste website to learn how you can minimise the amount of food that becomes waste in the first place.

About the Compost Revolution

The Compost Revolution is making it easy for Australians to turn food scraps into rich soil and liquid fertiliser at home and reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfills.  Because about half of what the average Australian household throws out is compostable organic material, using home composting systems significantly reduces the amount of stuff we send to landfills.  It also reduces our impact on Climate Change because food waste releases harmful greenhouse gases as it breaks down in landfills.

Revolution Apps, a social enterprise that operates The Compost Revolution online, works with local councils across Australia to provide residents with the equipment and skills they need to set up a successful home compost bin or worm farm. 

The Compost Revolution started as a community initiative of local councils looking to reduce the negative environmental and economic impacts of sending residential waste to landfills.  In 2009, three councils in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs (Waverley, Randwick and Woollahra) launched a pilot program with funding from the NSW EPA. Revolution Apps partnered with these councils to launch the program nationwide in 2011.

Contact Us

For questions relating to your Compost Revolution order please use the chat bot on the bottom right of your screen or contact [email protected]

If you have a question about composting and wormfarming, you can contact us using the details below or visit

Email: [email protected]  OR  


Phone: Customer Service Centre T: 9392 5000