퇴비 혁신이란 무엇인가요

퇴비 혁신은 호주 가정에서 음식 찌꺼기를 기름진 흙과 액체 비료로 손쉽게 만들 수 있도록 지원함으로써 매립지로 가는 쓰레기의 양을 감축합니다. 보통 호주 가정이 버리는 쓰레기의 약 절반이 퇴비로 만들 수 있는 유기물이기 때문에, 가정에서 퇴비 만들기 시스템을 활용하면 매립지에 보내는 쓰레기의 양이 크게 줄어듭니다. 뿐만 아니라 매립지에서 음식 찌꺼기가 분해되는 과정에서 유해한 온실 가스가 배출되기 때문에 기후 변화에 미치는 영향도 줄어듭니다. 

Revolution Apps은 퇴비 혁신의 온라인 운영을 맡은 사회적 기업으로서, 호주 전역 지방정부와 협력하여 가정용 퇴비 제조기 또는 지렁이 사육기를 설치하기 위한 장비 및 요령을 주민들에게 제공합니다. 보통 호주 가정이 배출하는 쓰레기의 절반 가량이 유기물이며, 그중에서 대부분을 차지하는 음식 찌꺼기는 매립지로 보내져서 혐기성 분해로 썩으면서 유해한 온실 가스를 생산합니다.

퇴비 혁신은 가정 폐기물의 매립지 반입이 초래하는 부정적인 환경적, 경제적 영향을 줄일 방법을 모색하는 지방정부들의 공동체 이니셔티브로 출발했습니다. 2009년, 시드니 동부 교외 지역의 세 지방정부(웨이벌리, 랜드윅, 울라라)는 뉴사우스웨일스 주 환경보호청의 자금을 지원 받아서 시범 프로그램을 출범했습니다. 그리고 2011년에는 Revolution Apps가 세 지방정부와 협력하여 프로그램을 전국적으로 확대 시행했습니다.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this website for?

Residents of participating councils who want to recycle their food scraps, make soil and fertiliser at home and do their bit for the environment.

What is the tutorial about?

We have three tutorials - one on compost bins, one on bokashi bins and one on worm farms.  The tutorials will teach you the practical skills of how to set up your bin or worm farm and keep it running smoothly. 

How do I get my compost bin or worm farm?

  1. You must be a resident of a participating council to be eligible.
  2. Do one of the tutorials and complete the quiz.
  3. Once you have passed the quiz, you can register.
  4. Choose from the discounted compost bin and worm farm products available through your council.
  5. Confirm your order and pay using a credit card on our secure web form.

* Please note that each household is only eligible for one compost bin or worm farm each.

What if I fail the quiz?

You can attempt the quiz as many times as you need in order to get all of the answers correct.  If you get stuck we recommend you return to the tutorial to find the answers.

Is anything else required of me if I “Join the Compost Revolution”?

We encourage you to tick the box to “Join the Compost Revolution” when you register to receive your product.

You will not be committed to any other programs or organisations, but you will be able to get more support and may get special offers or invitations to events and workshops related to composting, gardening, cooking and food sustainability. The Compost Revolution is about building community and supporting neighbourhood garden projects, so you may also be invited to social events and get-togethers. We’ll also send you an annual survey to help us to improve the program.

Can more than one person in my household do the tutorial?

Anyone in your household can do the tutorial and quiz multiple times. However, your household address is only eligible to receive one discounted product through your council’s Compost Revolution program.

Can I have both a worm farm and a compost bin for my household?

Yes. Keeping a compost bin and worm farm can work well. However, each household is only eligible for one discounted Compost Revolution product through this program. If you want a second product, you can purchase a compost bin or worm farm at full price from our Australia-wide site or at most garden stores.

What if I live in an apartment with no balcony or garden space?

You can keep a worm farm on your balcony, in your garage, bathroom or kitchen. You can give the fertiliser and worm castings you produce to a neighbour, friend or a nearby community garden.

Alternatively, you can organise a compost bin or worm farm for your building’s common area. Discuss this with your neighbours then speak to your body corporate or strata manager to attain approval. You can then purchase your compost bin or worm farm for your block through this web site.

Can I join The Compost Revolution if I don't need a new compost bin or worm farm?

For sure! Register your details by emailing [email protected]

What if I already know how to compost or worm farm?

If you already know how to compost or worm farm, you don't need to do the tutorial (though you might learn a few things and they’re lots of fun so we recommend it!).  You will still need to do the quiz to qualify for a discounted compost bin or worm farm. 

Can I attend a workshop to find out more?

Please visit the Stonnington Council website to find out about free, upcoming workshops

What type of compost bin or worm farms are offered? 

If you choose a compost bin you may receive:
• A Dirt Vader Compost Bin

If you choose a wormfarm you may receive:
• The Farm - a wormfarm made of recycled plastic, perfect for a small household
• A bag of live worms (optional)

What else can I do?

Visit the Love Food, Hate Waste website to learn how you can minimise the amount of food that becomes waste in the first place.

City of Stonnington


Environment is one of the four pillars of the Council Plan 2013-2017 and a key priority area of our Sustainable Environment Strategy 2013 - 2017 is "Minimising Waste and Maximising Resource Recovery". Objectives from the strategy that relate to this Community Composting Program include:

  • To educate and support Council, households and the broader community in measures to minimise waste generation and maximise resource recovery.
  • To educate the Stonnington community on improved waste management practices at home.
  • Provide opportunities for the community to manage their own food waste onsite for use as a resource.

This Community Composting Program responds to these objectives and enables residents to process their organic matter on-site and minimise the amount of organic matter being sent to landfill.

For more information visit www.stonnington.vic.gov.au/wasteandrecycling or contact Council on 8290 1333.


퇴비 제조, 지렁이 사육, 또는 환경에 대한 문의 사항이 있으시면, 아래 연락처로 연락하세요.

이메일: [email protected]