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퇴비 제조기, 지렁이 사육기, 보카시 제조기 중에서 무엇이 귀하에게 가장 적합할까요?
The different composting systems all accelerate nature's natural processes by heating up the compost and concentrating the microbes into a confined space.
Composting systems vary in what they recycle, including all types of organic waste such as food, paper, cardboard and garden materials. They all process larger volumes, making them suitable for households with a lot of food and/or garden waste.
Traditional (also known as above ground) compost bins need to be placed on soil. As the scraps break down, nutrient-rich liquid will disperse into the surrounding soil leaving rich compost to be harvested from the bottom every 6-12 months. They require regular (twice weekly) turning with an aerator.
Tumbling composters sit off the ground and can be placed anywhere, including balconies. The liquid from this process drips out and can be harvested or allowed to soak into the ground below. They require regular rotation with a hand crank or by rotating the drum directly, and produce rich compost in around 3-6 months (a little faster than traditional systems).
Solar composters are partially dug into the ground and capture more heat from the sun which aerates the compost without the need to turn it. So, they are faster than the other two systems and require less maintenance. They do not compost garden organics but do process all kinds of food waste and even pet poo!
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Works by accelerating nature’s natural process of breaking down organic waste into a rich nourishing compost, teeming with life and a supercharger for your garden.
Composting systems recycle all types of organic waste including food, paper, cardboard and garden materials. This makes them perfect for larger households.
Open-bottom units need to be placed on soil. As the scraps break down nutrient-rich liquid will disperse into the surrounding soil. After ~6 months compost can be harvested from the bottom.
튜토리얼을 살펴보세요
Works by aerobic decomposition, using the sun’s energy to break down food scraps into nutrients that are dispersed by worms and leaching liquids, which nourishes the surrounding soil.
Zero waste. Zero maintenance. Solar boosted composter.
The Green Cone recycles all types of food waste (including meat, dairy, bread and small bones) as well as small amounts of pet poo (not recommended if it is installed near food crops!). Designed to naturally circulate oxygen, there is no need for regular aeration making it perfect for medium to large households looking for a low-maintenance solution.
The system needs to be buried in well-draining soil, with full sun exposure for most of the day. As the food scraps break down, nutrient-rich liquid will disperse into the surrounding soil. No harvestable compost is produced.
튜토리얼을 살펴보세요
Works by accelerating nature’s natural process of breaking down organic waste into a rich nourishing compost, teeming with life and a supercharger for your garden.
Composting systems recycle all types of organic waste including food, paper, cardboard and garden materials. This makes them perfect for larger households.
Tumblers sit off the ground and can be placed anywhere, including balconies. As the scraps break down nutrient-rich liquid will drain from the tumbler and can be collected to fertilise your garden. After one chamber is full you can let the compost mature whilst filling the other. After ~6 months you can harvest the mature compost.
튜토리얼을 살펴보세요
Works with the help of wriggly warriors who chew through your food scraps, producing nutrient-rich worm castings and liquid fertiliser.
Worm farms recycle fruit and vegetables scraps, excluding citrus, onion, garlic and chilli.
The units can be placed indoors or outdoors, in a sheltered location out of the wind, rain and direct sunlight.
With a little tender loving care, worms will chew through your food scraps to produce nutrient-rich worm castings which can be harvested every 2-6 months. Liquid fertiliser also flows out of the farm on a regular basis, which can be diluted 10 to 1 with water to create free organic fertiliser for your garden.
Choose from the Farm, our compact, stylish award-winning worm farm made here by the Compost Revolution in Melbourne, Australia, or the large capacity Hungry Bin, made in New Zealand and ready to much through 2L of good a day!
튜토리얼을 살펴보세요
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Compost bins retain heat to speed up the process via above ground, partially buried, or rotating chambers.
- Processes lots of food scraps (limit meat and diary).
- Above ground and tumblers compost garden waste too.
- Low maintenance.
Produces rich harvestable compost for your garden and the sourrounding soil, plus tumblers produce liquid fertiliser.
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지렁이 사육기는 음식물을 먹는 미생물을 먹어치워서 음식물 쓰레기를 분해합니다. 아파트에서 사용하기에 적합하고, 어린이들도 좋아합니다. 지렁이 사육기는 퇴비 제조기에 비해 처리 가능한 용량이 적고, 비바람이 치지 않는 그늘진 장소가 필요합니다. 지렁이 사육기 안에 넣을 수 있는 물질의 종류도 퇴비 제조기보다 제한적입니다.
다음의 경우에 지렁이 사육기를 선택하세요
- 정원 폐기물을 규칙적으로 공급할 수 없는 가구
- 아파트에 거주하거나 퇴비 제조기를 놓을 흙, 모래, 또는 자갈을 구할 수 없는 가구
- 4인 미만의 소규모 가구 또는 음식물 쓰레기가 많이 나오지 않는 가구
지렁이 사육기의 장점은 다음과 같습니다
- 지렁이 사육기의 주 생산물인 액체 퇴비는 정원에 손쉽게 뿌릴 수 있습니다
- 지렁이 사육기는 마당이나 베란다, 또는 실내에 보관이 가능합니다
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Traditional compost bins accelerate nature's nutrient reycling using heat created within above ground chambers.
- Processes lots of food scraps (limit meat and dairy) and garden waste.
- Place above ground units on open soil.
- Low maintenance.
Produces rich compost for your garden.
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The Green Cone Solar Composter accelerates decomposition even faster than traditonal compost bins by harnessing the sun's power in twin chambers to produce heat and convective aeration.
- Processes lots of food scraps (inc. meat and dairy) + small amounts of pet poo!
- Must be dug into well draining soil in a sunny location.
- Almost zero maintenance.
Produces nutrients that enriches the surrounding soil (1m radius). Does not produce harvestable compost.
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Tumbler compost bins accelerate nature's nutrient reycling using heat created within rotating chambers.
- Processes lots of food scraps (limit meat and dairy) and garden waste.
- Tumblers can go anywhere including balconies.
- Low maintenance.
Produces rich compost and liquid fertiliser for your garden.
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